Carrying A Guilty Conscience
It is common knowledge that our conscience provides us with directions on what is right and wrong. It helps us distinguish good from evil. We all have that silent voice at the back of our minds whispering what to do and what not to do. It is always there with us, always giving us guidence and according to most religions, it is God’s way of leading us to the path of good.
Unfortunately, while the advice of the conscience is always sound, the body is not always bound to follow the direction of the conscience. The role of the conscience is purely advisory and most of the time, what we do may not be in line with what the conscience dictates. In the events that we follow our conscience and do what is right and honourable, our conscience is pleased and satisfied and so are we. However, when we go against our conscience and do something that we clearly know to be wrong, the result is a guilty conscience. Continue reading “Carrying A Guilty Conscience”